Friday 17 April 2020

A story about a fantail



For the last month or so we have had a new face in our family. Can you guess who it is? He has wings, and a tale like a fan. Every day he comes in and sits on our plants watching us play around. He sometimes comes into our rooms and hangs from the lights. Every morning now he has been dancing outside of our windows and putting on a little show. When we go do the fruit picking he always comes with us and talks to us. Not long after our dog Larz moved on that bird has been here staying in our shed and coming with us down the road for a walk. Our dog always followed us around the garden and he came with us for walks. I like to believe the fantail is our dog but in a different form. 

My question to you is: Do you have an animal that you think is someone you miss?

What I enjoyed was: Writing about Larz and thinking of how much fun we had together.


  1. Hey Jaymee,
    I loved your post about the new family member he is so sweet and so funny.
    It is so cool that larz is in the spirt of a fantail.
    He is so free now and in a better place don't worry Jaymee my buggie died to and my dog Blue my cat Jack my lamb burt and my chicken chock chock.
    Anyway you did a great job.

  2. Hi my name is Georgia from Paroa School
    I really liked your story about a fantail because it describes how you got to meet the fantail and why it is important to you. Next time you could say some things about the lock down as well but other than that it was a great blog post.

  3. Aw, I think that is a lovely way to think about your little dancing friend Jaymee 💕

  4. I love this story. Great job! Miss our boy Larz but he is ok and happy where he is now 😊

  5. i have a fantail hanging around at my house to:)
