Monday 23 August 2021

Thursday 17 June 2021

WANTED poster about follower of Jesus Christ


This is my WANTED poster. 
We had to find a photo of Jesus, write down some qualities and make up a phone number to put on.   

Friday 16 April 2021

Rosie The Raindrops Interesting Journey

                    Rosie the raindrops interesting journey 

One rainy day Rosie fell to the ground at the point where the river thames starts. 

Rosie's rivers journey begins. Along the river she came across a stone marker that shes never seen before. That Markes some of the royal peoples names that have been here in the past years. She also saw a tree, some grass and leaves. 

Down the river she saw people kayaking, fishing and noticest the the river was getting wider. She heard the wind blowing the leaves around and the birds singing wonderful songs. 

After a few hours she comes to an opening. She didn't look familiar with it. It was a town with boats, cars, heaps of people and what looked like houses. She stopped to have a little look around to something that caught the corner of her eye. It was rubbish, floating in the water. Imagine all sea animals eating it, getting sick and dying. I wish I could do something about it but I am only a raindrop. 

She carried on down the river to a huge city with colorful lights everywhere but the only that was annoying her was that people were using the river as a rubbish bin. She wanted to put a end to this once and for all. She jumped out of the water to find help. 

This took Rosie a few days, after days went by, She came across a huge shop that was called Save The Rivers, She went inside to tell them that “there is rubbish in the river and we have to do something about it now”. They rushed over to the river with their big machinery. They cleaned up the rubbish and Rosie carried on to her next destination. 

Rosie came to a beautiful beach with a bright orange sunset with people fishing off the wharf and kids swimming in the ocean. Tired but happy “I made it”. She sighed. 

Thursday 8 April 2021

Saint Joseph

 In class a few weeks ago we have been learning about Saint Joseph this my understanding of Saint Joseph. We had to make a St Joseph on google draw to make a St Joseph with shapes. 


Thursday 18 March 2021

Hanger Games Chapter Chat 4

What is the first animal that Katniss killed? I think she killed a bird. 

What did Katniss do to keep herself and her family alive? she hunted for food to trade with the baker to get bread. 

At the end of chapter four, what dose Katniss think of peeta? she starts to like his personality. 

What skills dose Katniss show off to Haymitch? throwing a knife into the wall. 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Week 7 word of the week

 In class this week I have been working on my word for the week. 

Monday 15 March 2021

Venn Diagram


This is my Venn Diagram about the similarities and differences about Sopee and I's life.