This week on our contract we were given a thinkers key activity. There were three set tasks. This is mine.
What do trees and humans have in common?
1 We both breath.
2 We both grow.
3 We both move.
The answer is oxygen what are 3 questions that have this answer.
1 what dose a tree give you? Oxygen
2 how do we live? Oxygen
3 what is in our lungs? oxygen
A-Z birds and animals that live in the rain forest
Anaconda Nutria
Bengal tiger Orangutan
Capgbara Pink dolphin
Dawn bat Queen Alexandra's bird wing
Electric eel Red- eyed tree frog
Flying dragon Spider monkey
Gorilla Toucan
Humming bird Umbrella bird
Inguana Vampire bat
Jaguar Wolly monkey
Komodo dragon Xenops
Lemur Yapok
Macaw Zodiac moth
Wow great job this activity sounds very cool what was your favorite part